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Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences



Matt Belt
M.S. in Geographic Information Science

Matt Belt is utilizing advanced spatial technologies to examine landscape change over time. He is integrating photogrammetry and SfM techniques to quantify how non-native vegetation is impacting culturally significant landscapes and archaeological features.


Tessica Gardner
M.S. in Geographic Information Science

Tessica Gardner is researching ecosystem services including water resources, vegetation, and fire. She is using GIS and remote sensing (i.e. hyperspectral imaging, LiDAR, aerial imagery) along with UAS (unmanned aerial systems) for analysis of ecosystem service relationships in southeast Idaho.


Joel Johansen
M.S. in Geographic Information Science

Joel Johansen is developing a virtual watershed environment to facilitate watershed science research and understanding. He is combining high resolution imagery and digital elevation models to model and visualize various watershed scenarios.

Brock Lipple
M.S. in Geographic Information Science

Brock Lipple is studying ecosystem services. He is integrating historical imagery in GIS to model and visualize historical, current and future ecosystem service scenarios. His work will aid stakeholders in decision-making and policy development.