My standard undergraduate courses are Controls (ME 4473), Vibration Analysis (ME 4440) and Mechanical Systems Design (ME 4463) Once in a while I get to teach Mechatronics (ME4425) and Computer Simulation (ME 4499). Course content for these classes has moved to Moodle. Please see the corresponding Moodle pages for details.
My graduate courses are mostly reltated to controls, such as Adaptive Control Systems (MCE 6654), Intelligent Control Systems (MCE 6646), Advanced Measurement Systems (MCE 6643)
as well as
Advanced Vibration Analysis (ME 6640) and Special Topics courses related to research projects.
All of my courses entail an open ended semester project
These projects correspond to material covered in my lectures and often involve the physical realization
of dynamic systems and implementation computer code on mictrocontroller devices